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crazypurpleknockoutgas commented at 2010-06-19 17:06:49 » #338334

why has no one caught the shooter, and that man is fucking amazing for living that long

14 Points Flag
yeushua commented at 2010-06-24 10:39:05 » #343285

lol who cares how could they survive that for so long specially the last one. the man that i shoot before only last for 6min that is the longest of all of them

0 Points Flag
domanxyz92 commented at 2010-07-27 16:04:53 » #380296

Oh i get is (sorta) the guys are living out their last wishes before the die!
the first one ordered every thing on the menu for a last meal
the second rent tons of either porno or sad flicks(porn is more likely)
And the third lived to have a family, raise a child, and get a grandkid, an then die of either old age or the bullet

7 Points Flag