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Anonymous commented at 2012-03-31 02:17:30 » #1037175

If only it was Doom Guy.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-16 21:12:45 » #1182823

Oh for fucks sake! You're all IDIOTS! Yes, Valkyria Chronicles has an anime...BUT THE GAME CAME FIRST. So all your comments about the "Anime girl/whore/etc" are FULL OF FAIL.

Given that's she a "Game" Girl not an "Anime" Girl...She deserves to be up there and have some recognition as being a Badass for what she is. You'd know how much of a 'bad ass' she is. Of course...she's doesn't have all that much compared to the three in the background and what they'd went through would probably give her nightmares...but...then again her 'war' was a lot less 'scary' then the 'war' that trio fought.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-29 14:17:40 » #1767432

Just an idea but could it be that those are all characters for which games we were waiting for a long time/are still waiting?
I mean, besides HL3, some guys are still waiting for another VC for PS/PC.
As you could see, Duke and Sam didn't get the best comebacks so I am sceptical about Gordon, as much as I love him.
And VC....let's say that SEGA won't pull their heads out of their butts any time soon.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-08 02:22:26 » #2106592

We miss Doomguy on this.

0 Points Flag