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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-14 03:56:19 » #580984

D'aww. Ain't it cute- GAAAH! FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE!

6 Points Flag
KINGROCKET commented at 2012-11-10 09:00:41 » #1200422

*Pyro's Childhood* What does this do mommy?
Mom: It shot bubble and rainbow that made everyone happy.
Pyro: Awesomes, can i have it mommy?
Mom: Sure sweetheart, but remember to use it only on people who wear "Blue" okay? Now go outside and have fun.
Pyro: Yay, thank mommy. I'll make you proud.
Me: *clap clap clap*....*hand over the Parent of the Year Award*

3 Points Flag