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djsal commented at 2010-07-22 00:05:38 » #373825

To awhile to understand why they on top of Franky then it clicked to me that all ate Devil fruit. DUH!!!

17 Points Flag
hanabishi_kanda commented at 2010-07-23 08:38:28 » #375457

is it me, or does it seem that lufy isn't wearing anything besides his hat

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-01 18:27:30 » #386112

He must be wearing something, what I'm trying to figure out is why is he so pissed when he gets to carry Robin in a bikini?

5 Points Flag
Calchy commented at 2010-08-09 09:55:24 » #394898

>> #386112
>> #375457
That's WHY he's pissed. You see rescuing Robin in a bikini would be great. Now he's got to deal with Chopper being there too, as well as Luffy's rubber dong poking him in the back of the head.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-16 02:54:55 » #402859

but franky is a android how can he swim?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-30 15:19:32 » #419540

@ Anon2 Franky's a cyborg. He still knows how to swim. I'm pretty sure he swims up a waterfall in Enies Lobby. Or he just swims... in any case he saves Chopper. Being a cyborg just makes him bulletproof and much stronger. So if hes stronger he can presumably swim better/faster :P

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-20 22:10:06 » #552470

He's pissed because robin was the 'motivator' to join the crew... Dos Fleur Clutch anyone?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-03 23:07:08 » #1258960

I like how he's only angry and Luffy and Chopper. Who wouldn't enjoy being Robin's savior? (I know I would and I'm a chick.)

1 Points Flag