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Anonymous commented at 2008-11-21 16:08:05 » #20655

Don't care if its passable, cum through shirt is hawt o.o

43 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-04-22 20:56:10 » #45763

do cross dressers realy look that hawt in real life?

33 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-04-24 20:43:57 » #46375

Don't know. But the ones drawn by Poju sure are. God I'd love to bury my cock in that ass.

43 Points Flag
Nicky/Nikki commented at 2009-06-18 16:18:58 » #64919

Most don't, a few do. The normally square jaw of a guy usually throws everything else off.

33 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-16 23:23:39 » #95782

Pujo's characters would best be described in real-life as pre-op transvestites. Pre-ops take hormones to get female physiology while still retaining their male genitalia. Pujo's characters range from none (very boyish body) to mild (effeminate boyish) to medium (feminine face, legs, ass, but flat-chested) to advanced (feminine body including breasts which have formed). Some pre-ops decide to stay pre-op, since the surgery to swap out genitalia is still pretty crude. We are progressing to an age where genitalia no longer defines your gender, but how you act defines your gender, and even then there is a broad brush-stroke of "gender" besides just male/female. What body & genitalia is also being disassociated from what your sexual preferences are. And, sexual preference is being more broad these days than just "I like guys/girls". Some people like male/female body, but the opposite genitalia. Guys who like pujo's work tend to like the female body, irregardless of what genitalia it has, or perhaps they prefer male genitalia. Some prefer anal sex/stimulation, but the thought of it from a guy is a turn-off. The thought of it from a girl is a turn-on, which is why strap-on/futa is popular amongst otherwise "straight" guys. It doesn't mean they're gay; they don't want to mug down with guys and lick chest-hair. They like the female body, but they also like penis and/or anal sex, too. Everyone has their thing, and it's fine as long as they don't feel guilty about it and practice it responsibly and with mutual consent from those they participate with.

185 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-16 23:28:25 » #95786

And now that I've said all that ... Mmmm... fap-fap-fap...yeah...YEAH!

65 Points Flag
Youji commented at 2009-08-17 06:29:15 » #95941

Anon4 officially wins at life.

45 Points Flag
hpotter13 commented at 2009-09-09 13:28:40 » #108943

let me at him/her or it
that's hot

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-14 00:31:57 » #111736

Anon4, I couldn't have said it better myself

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-14 00:33:07 » #111737

I guess though, that because I'm androgynous, this is more of how I see myself, not so much what I want to poke.

17 Points Flag