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Kelloth commented at 2010-08-02 19:20:03 » #387131

looks like they two want to make a swinging

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-03 01:17:29 » #387551

WHEN WILL TEH PAIRING SHIT END!!!!???????? (kills self)

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-03 07:07:48 » #387797

"Defensive"? Its more like people wanting to ignore how everything already went againsy their pairing (NaruSaku fans), and cling to some random comment that's even too vague to confirm anything.

In all sense of the matter, I personally consider a girl who has an obsession with a world-class murderer, overly-violent tendencies directed solely against the only person who gives a shit about her, and a second personality that has her talking to herself most of time.....to be FAR weirder than a girl whose only quirk, is to be shy.

THAT's why I consider all NaruSaku fans who actually thought that this meant anything, to just be grasping for straws here. Sakura always has, and always WILL love Sasuke. Its been said in the manga already, and Naruto knows and accepts it too. Why is it so hard for NaruSaku fans to accept it?

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-03 07:24:05 » #387807

@Anonymous #387797: Tell the true!

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-03 09:48:58 » #387889

How can anyone be sure he would even take his mothers last words to heart? She hasnt been around his whole life, it was the first and last time he met her. There wouldn't exactly be alot of emotional ties. I didnt read the chapter, but unless he sed "I promise mom, and I never go back on a promise" or sumthing to that effect, then his nindo isnt tying him down either.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-03 14:15:42 » #388087

the uploader should do us all a favor and DELETE this pic. pointless bashing between NaruSaku and NaruHina fans is what i hate most about naruto. you girls don't ever give up do you? all you're doing is adding fuel to the fire.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-03 16:54:22 » #388215

Ok since thsi pic seems to bring out many fights about the pairings im going to put in my thoughts. First off I admit I am a NaruHina fan and NaruSaku makes no sense to me. There will be some spoilers in my comment so for those who have not read all of Naruto that has come out so far please not read this.

The reason why NaruSaku makes no sense to me is because Sakura has literaly punched Naruto's face into the ground. Second is the only intrest Sakura has given Naruto is as a freind to a brother at most. Third and finaly is because it was said and proven in the manga that Sakura forever loves Sasuke for some reason.

I admit NaruHina may never happen in Naruto but it has a better chance then NaruSaku. Heck I see NaruSasu having a better chance then NaruSaku but these are my personal veiws.

Anyway I'm going to say why I think NaruHina will happen. First is that even though Naruto hasn't noticed it Hinata is deeply in love with him. Second these feelings have been shown and proven to him by Hinata trying to protect Naruto from Pein. Third and finally Naruto rejected Sakura for the fact he could here the lies in her confession. I admit that last one might not be a true part of the reason NaruHina might happen but its important.

Ok now to get on this marry someone like your mother comment thats got all the NaruSaku fans buzzing. That comment can be seen anyway because of a few facts. One Naruto really does truely know his mother's personality because he only met her once. Second that like a person thing always gets confusing since which parts are alike and which parts arnt. Sakura does have Kushina's feroicity when it comes to getting angry but Hinata is a dedicated and strong ninja like Kushina. Yes I'm saying Sakura is pretty useless because in the first part of Naruto the most impresive thing she did was tie with Ino and in the second part she wasonly able to take down Sasori with help and showed her healing abillities.

That could of been my hatred for Sakura talking but still. Anyway this has been my opinion on the subject and I hoped a few people enjoyed it and or atleast understand this is my veiw on things. I dont know what pairing will happen in Naruto but these have been my thoughts on it and thank you for reading them. Feel free to yell spam or be pissed at my comment all you like im jusy happy to say my thoughts.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-08 12:26:35 » #393837

Who gives a fuck? This isnt some Twilight shit. If he ends up with Sakura SO FUCKING WHAT. If Naruto DOES end up with anyone it will most likely be at the very last chapter so you wont even see the relationship go on. These pairing wars and character hate are fucking stupid and you guys have been at it for years

29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-08 12:43:33 » #393844





3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-09 21:55:39 » #395647

Naruto: Say Dad, how do you deal with hot-tempered girls?

Minato: To be honest, I'm still working on that...

24 Points Flag