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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-11 04:55:43 » #397137

*clings to guns*

When the hell has Sakura EVER said she will love Sasuke forever (in Part II, I mean, she was a whiny bitch in Part I and yes I hated her then, nearly as much as I loathe Hinaturd now)? It has NOT been proven that she still loves Sasuke, in fact it is clear to see that she only hesitated to kill Sasuke because of she can't forget about the 'old' him.

It's weak, and it's stupid, but she is slowly getting over that. She 'confessed' to Naruto because she didn't know what else to do. She had to stop him from possibly killing himself by going after Sasuke (because she cares about Naruto). She didn't want his (Naruto's) 'promise of a lifetime' to be his undoing, because she had already caused him enough strife, and she knew that. Unfortunately Naruto saw through her BS, so that failed.

The point is, while we NaruSaku fans generally no longer hold Sakura's Confession to be truthful, we believe strongly that the NaruSaku relationship has both more foundation and more potential than NaruHina ever had or ever will have. One reason for me at least is that Hinata has very little depth as a character; her entire purpose so far has been as a plot device and to troll the fans with a supposedly 'competing' love interest. Sakura has grown since Part II, Hinata has not. I don't mean stupid things like boobs or long hair; since when did those really truly matter anywhere outside of the minds of the Hinatards? Kishi knew that Hinata would lose fans when they found out she had absolutely NO growth as a character since the timeskip, same stupid crush and same stupid shyness, so he stuck a pair of knockers on her and BAM! Hinata has fans again and is suddenly in the running for Mrs. Uzumaki AND 'Goddess'*! It is petty, but true. Even girls fell for it.

Sakura, on the other hand, has grown as both a ninja and a woman. She is team-oriented: the Sasori fight early in Part II was enough to prove that. She no longer adores Sasuke: she thinks about him as a love interest less and less as time goes on. She has some sort of affection for Naruto: sisterly or romantically remains to be seen... (Or maybe one then the other? There is such a thing as changing feelings, you know; love at first sight has never existed and never will.)

Sakura hasn't stopped growing, either. She still has plenty of room to change and adapt as a person. I do admit that the 'confession' has me (briefly) embarrassed to be a NaruSaku fan. :) That just proves that she has depth, and flaws like any normal person. Hinata is too much of a fanboy's dream Mary Sue, IMHO.

This thing is getting too long. *sigh*

*see comments here at Gelbooru if you don't believe me about the goddess thing!

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-11 17:01:14 » #397655

@ #397137
She mentioned her affection again directly at Sasuke right when he was about to kill Karin. So yeah, but then again her declaration at Naruto might of not at all BS. And if some truth is actually in there then (God please spare me from the future hate rants) it makes her sort of a whore as if she can't get Sasuke then she will take Naruto as a backup, which Naruto himself realized and felt sort of disturbed.
Also as her "character growth" you speak of, Sakura only showed her growth during her re-introduction back in the in the 1st Shippuden arc, which is like years ago now. Now her growth is minimum to zero as she has basically reverted back to her Pre-Shippuden persona and does nothing, but whine, bitch, and pray. (Like it has been really helping)
BUT, I have to agree as well for Hinata as her growth is dismal as well, but then again its with lack of panel time as she grows in the shadows like most characters.

5 Points Flag
MrBlack commented at 2010-08-14 20:03:37 » #401569

@ #397137 I suppose declaring your love and charging down the ninja who's not only destroyed the village, but also pinned her beloved to the ground doesn't count as growth?

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-16 15:49:11 » #403371

the frightening thing about this picture, is that it is entirely possible

16 Points Flag
SleepingForest commented at 2010-08-17 00:33:59 » #403895

Kushina's inner self looks like it want's to eat my soul...

12 Points Flag
SleepingForest commented at 2010-10-31 23:30:52 » #491437

Now, I'm no NaruSaku fan, but holy shit! LadyGT93 is an AMAZING ARTIST! This actually looks like official artwork! Also, Anon 6, that was some damn foreshadowing and I HATE IT >.< If I'm right, then Naruto is gonna end up with Sakura, and I'm gonna have to kill myself. I mean, Naruto didn't even talk to Hinata after she nearly DIED to save his stupid ass! BUTTHURT!!!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-12 11:10:12 » #692149

Good luck to those wishing for Sasuhina to happen... In which it most likely won't; Kishimoto's a troll.

Hinata's just in the popularity polls thanks to her confession. That's the only depth she most likely has: Her love for Naruto.

Who knows if Kishimoto's gonna make another twist in the story (48% chance of happening). I'm pretty sure he's busy musing over Sasuke right now. I would lol hard if he ever makes a scene involving Sasuke and Hinata (That too most likey won't happen).

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-23 03:22:02 » #744315

would not shock me to learn the Sakura may be a genetic experiment used to clone Kushina gone wrong. we haven't evn seen Sakura's family yet and her families heirloom clothes resemble Minato and the White Fang's cloak if you remember from early on in the series

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-03-16 04:21:21 » #1025246

>rating of positive 125
Gelbooru, I am disappoint

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-08 00:21:09 » #1087919

At the end of the series Naruto gets with Sakura but Hinata Yandere murders them both and sails off with Naruto's head on a boat.

6 Points Flag