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Digital_Pimp_Romance_02 commented at 2010-09-04 01:45:27 » #424895

@ Darkman9000
Actually Jill came off to me in RE5 as being more of a Nina Williams wannabe. And in terms of her RE3 questionable choice in attire,it's not as bad people make it out to be. I've seem far far worse.

As for Aya Brea,all we can do is wait and see. I have better hopes for this than DNF

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spotiexrk commented at 2010-10-29 01:59:52 » #488529


All we gamers want is for our classics to remain as they are... but all we want is for them to be innovative and fresh with each installment. We're disappointed if we play the same thing we've played before, but we're upset if we play something new.

How about giving the game a chance, first? Reviewers and hype be damned: if it's something that's piqued your interest- and whether for good or bad, it has already done that- then give it a shot before praising or condemning it.

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PantiesbooPower commented at 2010-10-29 23:31:45 » #489349

Sometimes I wish Aya was a little flirty, if not slutty. :3

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