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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-21 00:13:31 » #408362

i'd just like to geta nice footjob from hiori first. Then id see where it went from there. CUS SHES DANGEROUS

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-18 00:17:32 » #476413

She is one tough son of a.................. well I don't want to say it cause she would probably cut me in half with her Bankai so I ain't gonna say it. Anyway why I said that is because she can remain consious after being split in half by Gin and by the way she ain't fucking dead I read the latest bleach comic and she sent a message to Ichigo so................................................. HA all of you dipshits who thought she was dead was wrong all the people who thought she was dead are wrong oh and by the way the reason why I know it is Hiyori because she wrote the word "dumbass" at the end of the letter so a Ha Ha fucking HA

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-19 03:13:24 » #550536

i just wanna know something... ok, if you like anime, hentai, or ANYTHING related to japan, you're a "weeaboo" ...whatever the fuck that even is.

so, what if you like german culture? chinese cartoons? what if you speak 2-3 common-knowledge russian words?

are you counted as a geeaboo, cheeaboo [chiapet?], or a reeaboo respectively?

...im just making up words at this point, just like the assholes who decided to be racist fuckers just so they can pretend to be superior by disliking anything thats good in this world.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-19 13:43:47 » #700578

Pay no attention to anyone who uses "weaboos" they are just douches anyway.

I need more of Hiyori and the other female Visoreds and Kiyone Kotetsu too nobody does here hint , hint , hint

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-26 16:56:26 » #825600

Freckles are missing...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-13 06:17:27 » #975809

I don't give a fuck if you want this bitch as your 'waifu' or what, this is a site for saying how rough you want to fuck her until she begs for more, not one to say 'oh I find this drawing's fang to be quite cute.'

Find a way to fap to it, then gtfo.

0 Points Flag
YuriLover51 commented at 2013-01-15 12:30:38 » #1246373

Why the faq are there so much good comments thumbed down? -__-; She does have a cute smile. (I have a thing for fang)

12 Points Flag
YuriLover51 commented at 2013-01-15 12:31:28 » #1246374

Oh and really?! a score of -21, It should be a +21

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-14 15:46:47 » #1795165

And YOU get a downvote! And YOU get a downvote! And YOU get a downvote!

Her adorable smile makes me want to hug her.

5 Points Flag