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Anonymous commented at 2011-12-05 06:02:38 » #943339

I think the nature of a Rasengan make it impossible to add Lightning element to it. It's probably that the spinning electricity damages the user too much. Look at nearly all lightning element jutsu, they are either placed around something inanimate (or highly resistant, like black people), it is shooting off the body, or the user is moving fast enough that the lightning isn't on them. I think Lightning style is just plain dangerous and the action of making a Rasengan with it is just deadly. Much like Wind element, but to a great extent perhaps. That's just my theory though.

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Anonymous commented at 2012-02-03 03:36:53 » #993488

well if im remembering correctly kakashi explained why he couldnt add lightning to rasengan. the reason was lightning was too chaotic and threw all of the control u needed for rasengan out the window. wind element on the otherhand isnt as out of control as lightning, wind can be harnessed easier then lightning. but there is one other thing i dont think any1 is thinking about; if the rasengan has enough power (I.E. the power of ninetails chakra) behind it, it may just have sooo much power that its creating lightning on its own and that lightning may not be added to it. just my thoughts on it

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