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Anonymous commented at 2010-10-01 02:23:19 » #456327

Sorry, but for a good fighting game you gotta hand it over to tekken.

SF has the same exact gamestyle from forever ago, relies a lot more on "special powers", and all in all takes less skill.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-05 19:45:19 » #462011

it takes way more skill to learn how to use such special powers than just rely on endless heavy tekken stile combos...something no one wil lbe able to argue...tekken battle system its way to stupid for my taste...all characters have heavy damaging combos that can keep you in the air or in the ground sucking half your life bar if you are lucky enought not to get pushed to a wall....tekken sincerely its more of a "beat them before they can even more a finger" than an actual and trully fighting game...tekken sucks compared to many real fighting games where you actually fight againts other person and just dont get used as a punching bag...sure you need time (a freaking LOT) to learn to play tekken but simply thats a big flaw of it, you need at least to spend 2 years playing that thing to have skill enought to fight other people without being a sandbag...you dont belive me? watch some championship games where ALL the best rely on fast atacks HEAVY damaging combos and dancing like if they had epileptic atacks all the time...tekken its good as a fighting game if you are a beginer...at least that way when you make a heavy combo you actually feel nice and not cheated by being hited with same mentionet combo over and over till you are dead....street fighter for me all the way over tekken any day

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-19 23:57:44 » #478551

thats because tekken is more like real fighting. in a real fight u jump on the person before they jump on u and u dont give them a chance to launch a counter, but in streetfighter u stand on the other side of the screen spam them with hadokens. i mean come on 462011 thats bullshit.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-12 16:09:36 » #504137

yea....in real fight you can make a person wallbounce with a regular strike keep them on the air hiting them like theres no tomorrow and the people will not be able to strike back...dude watch some UFC and then tell me something about a real fight...even those people when get hited strike back if posible and not just stand there being hited over and over if they have enought stamina endurance or just will not to fall...and if you have had the bad luck to found power spamers to bad for you, i have played with great people who trully know how to play show true skill and give me great and enjoyable fights and not just a guy who knows the best combo from their fav char and keep striking till they make said combo and im dead

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-13 10:19:42 » #504926

Can't agree with your statement... Tekken's style may get lifebars to half (heck more) if they get knocked up in the air, but that's for the player's skill to go for; if the player is very good, then he's earned his worth in combos. if he's a noob, not only will he deal small damage. he won't last 10 seconds (and that's almost literally) in a fight against an experienced player.

Street fighter's new system on the other hand... is sort of... unfair... their ultra system is about players getting their ultra bar to rise by taking damage... in other words, the player can turn the tides by just performing (if successful) the ultra move, maiing just about all of the opponent's effort to cutting his life, down-right unfair... I mean, c'mon; th eenemy takes what, 20 seconds to gt his life to 30% then the enemy simply (and successfully) does his ultra move and deals almost (if not equal) damage in less that 5?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-25 16:01:54 » #520354

and i cant agree to what you say...basically you are saying that its fair someone sucks down your lifebar to half with a combo but its unfair that said afected player CANT have a chance to still be on the fight and win?......i just can say something to that.....lol.......you said it yourself you need to LAND successfully the ultra move to deal the damage and that needs both skill knowlege and luck, unlike tekken where you can just spam again your combo over and over without any kind of toll to use it...accept it pal tekken fighting style its way more unfair with most players than any street fighter game, at least on SF even a nob can have a little luck and deal some damage while on tekken thats basically a weird and unlikley dream for most people the gap betwen tekken and SF new and experienced players its way to unfair

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-19 09:45:22 » #700376

Ryu man wtf are you letting a fag like him kick your ass man?

1 Points Flag
J.K.F. commented at 2011-06-15 14:53:10 » #773950

Sweet picture of Kazuya backhanding Ryu!
For the Street Fighter vs. Tekken argument, they are both terrific game franchises, but Tekken will always be my favorite.

6 Points Flag
Screwattack commented at 2014-08-03 17:40:42 » #1580002

Tekken only needs to release a video game in the series once instead of billion times like Street Fighter.

0 Points Flag