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Anonymous commented at 2010-09-18 21:49:05 » #441670

This image was stolen.


1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-19 19:34:16 » #442754

Being edited doesn't make it 'stolen'.

Technically, any image posted here without permission is stolen, but who the fuck cares? It's the internet.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-19 19:58:52 » #442782

It does make it stolen when another artist takes a picture and edits it to try and pass it off as their own. The artist tagged in both pictures is not the same, meaning someone (this one) stole it and did just that ~ ♪

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-20 04:37:43 » #443226

just mention both guys who worked on picture, stop gaying wars

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-20 04:42:33 » #443229

LMAO @ stolen ...this whole damn site is stolen if you look @ it that way , I dont think that if someone takes another artist's pic and edits it & then uploads that makes it stolen. Grow the fuck up , it would be different if they uploaded it to a art site ( notice I said art, not hentai site) and didnt give credits to the actual artist. That darlings is stolen art. You people need to get a grip and chill out lol.
That said , I rather like this picture....Though I'd prefer to see the full body ..any chance of someone getting that ? LOL

1 Points Flag