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saitoshota commented at 2010-09-20 15:01:58 » #443562

=/ okay i know ill get minused for this but i gotta ask,
what are they doing? its not like theyre comparing sizes

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-20 15:18:08 » #443579

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

31 Points Flag
IgnisUrather commented at 2010-09-20 16:56:35 » #443709

Saito, I'm guessing they're trying to woo Cloud (who would obviously rather getting butt-fucked by Seph [just sayin]) by showing off assets.

12 Points Flag
IgnisUrather commented at 2010-09-20 16:57:15 » #443714

*rather be getting

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-21 03:39:05 » #444315

Ignis you and so many people come up with this gay shit when there's no proof of it. Just because Cloud has a feminate face everyone makes these fucking yaoi pics all the time and with Sephiroth of all people... that makes no sense. I'd actually tolerate the yaoi if it was Zack, that makes more sense than Sephiroth. Where do you even see the affection between these two is beyond me, some FF7 fans need to stop being fap happy and make an actual logical fanart that's actually believable. You know who would compare to Sephiroth? Genesis, you fucking morons. People got such talent but no fucking brains on how to use it. I don't care if I get minus for this because this ridcul-ass illogical fanshit needs to stop!

48 Points Flag
Leonheart777 commented at 2010-09-21 06:23:01 » #444420

Wait,Cloud has a feminine face...?

29 Points Flag
saitoshota commented at 2010-09-21 11:20:08 » #444578

well i suppose comparing assets makes sense because of all the stupid sephxcloud yaoi i see thanks....id choose tifa >_> heh

15 Points Flag
saitoshota commented at 2010-09-21 20:39:32 » #445161

gee...i wonder who was the persoon who minused everyone >> *re plus's everyone*

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-24 07:28:30 » #448063

im not exactly for the whole clouds gay thing myself, but you have to face facts. you say zack would be better for the yaoi thing than cloud? lets compare. 1st cloud has 2 women all over his nuts throughout FF7 yet all he can do is obscess about sephiroth. i dont know about you but if i had 2 women all over me id be banging both at the same time or not. 2nd zack, now this guy happy go lucky as he may be, he actualy chose on his own to hook up with aerith. but he did obscess over angeil, but he was more of a father figure to zack so to speak. im not saying either is homo or not. im just saying look at the personality traits and how they act. then ask yourself why does everybody treat cloud like hes gay

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-24 12:49:19 » #448276

I think I get the point to this. Tifa had the best female chest, which is impressive no matter what. Sephiroth has the best male chest, and his looks are impressive like Tifa's. Cloud, though muscular, doesnt have any impressive assets like them, hence, he's in the background moping. Oh, and he doesnt show off his body like they do.

26 Points Flag