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Anonymous commented at 2010-09-24 00:35:30 » #447802

Dude. They didn't have it NEARLY as rough as Sasuke. He didn't even have it rough. His life was WRECKED. Naruto spent about 12 years with no friends or family. Big whoop. Kakashi's dad died, big whoop. Every single one of Sasuke's relatives was killed by the person closest to him. And then he was manipulated into killing that person close to him by a bunch of corrupt and evil scumbags. Seriously, you guys are fucking retarded to think he's a douche for what he's done. None of you would make different choices. You'd all probably make even worse choices.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-25 01:23:49 » #449014

yea sasauke had it rough , but its no excuse for the uber emo attitude he has. dont forget he tried to kill his closest friend *naruto* , vows to kill every single person in konoha , then attempts to murder his new ally *karin* , then sakura , kakashi , then naruto again.....lol see the pattern?

sasuke is a douchebag no denying it , yeah he had it pretty fukd up until now but its no excuse for being wannabe genocidal

3 Points Flag
playerdude commented at 2010-09-25 05:37:34 » #449161

the way i see it
after sakura made her fake confessions and saying all the things she said about sasuke and just overall of what she said to naruto, as well as lying to him. sakura is dead to me, i see sakura as nothing more than a lying useless gold digger now.

sasuke....at first i thought that perhaps he was gay for not liking sakura but perhaps he saw how sakura truly was like she was in that fake confession chapter and decided not to get part of that. but wth, trying to kill karin after all she's done? that was just fucked up. any hope of thinking that sasuke deserves a 2nd chance and will get a 2nd chance after all he has been put through was lost to me.

so a genocidal maniac with a brother complex and a hot as hell gold digger are the perfect pair in my opinion.

but enough of this arguing and sharing opinions of if they're garbage or not and that if it's understandable due to their situation or not.
lets just fap to the hot as hell sakura getting fucked.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-01 05:58:29 » #456424

waaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is'nt politics guy this is an eye candy so just watch! No need to quarrel about a character!
By the way the Uchiha clan just uses their eyes to manipulate anyone, so they can fuck all person they want.^^

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-06 11:32:40 » #496910

All I can say is Sakura's eyes are way too Yellow looking and her boobs are NOT that big...they're itty bitty :D

0 Points Flag