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SyteSkimmer commented at 2023-11-15 18:48:48 » #2844154

I actually put together this Ecchi AMV somewhat haphazardly as a quick edit just for the fun of it.
I first collected a bunch of the UV&B (unveil & bounce) GIFs that I really liked. Arranged them in an order that best fit with the music track.
Then did a little bit of clipping off the edges of some of the GIFs to polish it off. That's It!

In all honesty, it turned out better than I thought it was going to. Hope you enjoy watching!

16 Points Flag
Boobs_The_Movie_Musical commented at 2023-11-17 21:01:26 » #2844705

Good job! I especially like the syncing with the 'Ah!' near the 30 second mark.

3 Points Flag
kel21 commented at 2023-12-07 19:51:54 » #2849489

While the music does not do much for the visuals (not edited to make motions match beat, etc), I love the amount of moment of breast reveal. Scratches that itch of just wanting to see some titties be bared and then again and again. xD

2 Points Flag