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ShadOtrett commented at 2023-11-17 22:09:07 » #2844726

Man, from a pacing and cinematic standpoint, you very much nailed the feel of the show. The audio wasn't the sort used in the show (beyond the obvious), but it was used in a way very reminiscent of it. That transition onto the train and the slow zoom on the phone were very on-point! Kudos!

10 Points Flag
Jitoryohmaster commented at 2023-12-07 21:43:42 » #2849513

I can't help but feel like, I should support these guys on patreon. If they have one. This is too well done. My only issue is the lack of bouncing tits. Other than that. The voicework, mannerisms and animation kinda make me forgive any shortcomings. Also is this ntr or a what if scenario? The what if being, "What if Aggretsuko didn't exist."

1 Points Flag