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JinkenBro commented at 2023-11-28 20:27:38 » #2847495

Please stop that, I'll take him happily

10 Points Flag
HeyItsDingo commented at 2023-11-28 20:53:32 » #2847498

I want to meet this trainer. *loading shotgun* I just wanna talk to him.

11 Points Flag
Bruh_Dude18 commented at 2024-01-06 20:11:45 » #2856324

Tbh, if Pok?mon were ever real, I can imagine some people doing this to their Pok?mon. Especially since Pok?mon usually have high intelligence and emotions in them, making them almost human-like in terms of both

4 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2024-01-06 20:48:48 » #2856328

Same could be said of Sir Kirlia before becoming a Lady Gardevoir, I feel deeply Guilty yet We all must make Sacrifices for All & the Greater Good. But that's still a Lowball-D*** Move, so My Deep Sincere Condolences. Even I know the Bitter Pain of Lose & never had things that Comes Out Right, even when It Counts the Most.. T_T <3

4 Points Flag