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Anonymous commented at 2007-10-29 00:48:02 » #1699

Yups, sooo right.

1 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2007-10-29 08:18:14 » #1703

A GLORIOUS disease, mind you. Anyone who dislikes the loli has no soul. Although it's okay if you fear the long arm of the law (You know who you are). But then again, It's illegal in Canada now, isn't it? And *I* still fap to it. So clearly, if a deviant monster such as myself can get away with loli, so can anyone else.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2007-10-29 22:18:22 » #1720

Oh Xima-sama,i don't know what to say but i have to admit that you're truly my HERO!!!

Surely,i hate how people detest Lolis just because they're small,young and flat. Who cares,as long as they're cute and lovable!! I also hate those people who banned Lolicon just because they think it's child pornography. C'mon,it's not like we're watching our neighbor's little daughter getting raep etc.,what's wrong looking/watching/drawing/fapping on man-made girls.

You know,it's really stupid how most average people think it's stupid how fanboys treat fictional Anime girl as a real girl,but think Lolicon is a crime because they refer all those Lolis are real little girls!!!

6 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2007-10-30 08:26:47 » #1724

Muahaha! Anon, you get it! You get it! X3 But you gotta remember, the general population of the Earth is kinda... y'know, retarded. Amazingly so. So really, you've gotta give 'em some slack. Who knows? If you convert them softly enough, they may fap just as hard to the loli as you.

Personally, I've never really thought of any particular character as actually real. Not counting my silly little fantasies mind you, but I've never thought anything along the lines of "How dare you whack off to my ___!". Really, if you dig the same loli as much as me, I go "Fuck yeah! I have moar. Want some? ;D" But really, if YOU were to treat a fictional character as a real person, more power to ya. I can dig it. Although I'd be kind of annoyed if you went "NO! NO FAPPING TO MY ___!" But hey, y'know what? Whatever.

6 Points Flag
InvaderJim42 commented at 2007-10-30 11:37:07 » #1729

Aye, I get people on message boards giving me funny looks/comments when I admit to liking loli, but screw them. Loli is all about cuteness and snuggle-able factor!

5 Points Flag
Brittler commented at 2007-10-30 13:45:50 » #1733

@Xima,your welcome BTW,that anon was me,i dunno why everytime i posted something praising someone's comments, i always get my name written as Anon...

Oh yea,you don't need to worry,i'm not that "NO! NO FAPPING TO MY ___!" type of guy. As long as the person i'm talking to is a pure Loli lover and doesn't badmouth them(teh Lolis),i don't mind sharing and letting him fapping on them. What can i say,sharing my Lolis with other ppl is much better than letting Itou Makoto enjoying the girls all by himself..

4 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2007-10-30 19:45:38 » #1735

Indeed. I don't really keep much porn on the ol' hard drive, really. Which is apparently freakin' weird of me. Fmee, whatever. And indeed to Jim. As the saying goes, "loli haet penis!"

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2007-10-30 20:23:42 » #1736

Mmm, I have a choir that needs preaching to if you're done over here.

As far as I'm concerned, loli's a fetish no matter how you look at it, and it's foolhardy to openly take pride in a fetish when you aren't surrounded by your own kind, see also: furry.

Not that I'm not lolicon also for Mint. I just thought you guys were getting too worked up.

=,= Mint~~~~

1 Points Flag
InvaderJim42 commented at 2007-10-30 22:44:28 » #1749

What's wrong with wanting to bone dragons, naga, and other female monster types? The furry subculture is mostly vilified due to stereotypes (that and the furry cosplay, which is still kinda creepy to me despite my interests in boning non-human females).

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2007-10-31 00:44:24 » #1750

I can imagine the response now, holy shit man. That guy likes masturbating to child pornography, he's mentally psychotic. Then suddenly the bastard goes home, logs of "myspace" types "Child Pornography Cartoons" then suddenly finds the diabolical fetish of Ze "Lolicon"
then turns into "Otaku-Night-Crawler" then his Emo friends never heard from him again *sniffle*..

1 Points Flag