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Joe commented at 2010-10-25 23:45:40 » #484955

Who went through voting down half the comments? I see no need for that since most are not offensive in my eyes.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-26 10:55:45 » #485457

this is perfect for a gif:

try it plis ;)

1 Points Flag
Chibodee commented at 2010-10-27 23:03:31 » #487177

Hey, Ieira. Sent you a private message a while ago. Just wondering if you got it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-28 07:11:13 » #487545

another godly work, i love you man/woman or whatever you are!

and if you ever die on us ill dig friggin your corpse and revive you!!

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-28 13:11:13 » #487752

finally, an ieira gif without dicks in it

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-29 08:13:12 » #488726

Ieria, you have no idea what your work is doing for me and everyone else but know this. I fap HARD to these marvelous gif's and im sure everyone else does to.

Please continue to bless us with your Exquisite creations and never stop.

~Signed: Just another lurker.

1 Points Flag
Ieira commented at 2010-10-29 12:46:25 » #488842

Chibodee, I read your message two months ago. I wanted to try what you said but I found out I'd have to pretty much redo the animation from the start. Unconscious an 'in shock' would look pretty different in that position so I just forgot about it. Then your message was buried by some other private messages and I forgot about the whole thing completely, sorry about that.

To the anon who asked how long these take to make somewhere on the first page, still around the same amount of time. 3-5 days. If it takes any longer than that, I'll just give up and do something else. The reason it takes me so long to release one of these is because I cant just start another one right after I finish one. I like to take breaks and do other stuff until I actually feel like making more of these.

To the anon above me, thanks. I was starting to wonder if these were actually fappable or just purely technical productions. I'll try to keep these as sexy as possible.

3 Points Flag
Tryzy commented at 2010-11-02 19:16:29 » #492909

noticed you couldn't do your tut and went searching, is this pretty much what you do? www.foro3d.com/f232/using...-family-photos-77446.html

2 Points Flag
Ieira commented at 2010-11-02 22:55:55 » #493144

huh.... thats pretty much exactly what I do. I use more layers and a few other effects though.

I had a tutorial somewhere but what you linked to pretty much sums up what I was getting at.

From animating family photos to hentai, what a technique...

0 Points Flag
Dunny commented at 2010-11-02 23:28:45 » #493183

well to animate art at that detail is amazing to me, keep up the work!

0 Points Flag