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WashiZ commented at 2024-03-29 07:19:27 » #2878459

This is honestly only one reason why Ingrid should've received more attention [and possible Supports] in both Fodlan games.

Especially ones like this situation that have comedic innuendo potential. The "super-straight" girl constantly getting eyefucked and mercilessly teased by the two most obviously-bisexual girls who happily consider themselves her friends (and probably are "friends with benefits" with each other behind-the-scenes). They certainly involve themselves in her business often enough.

The closest we'll ever get [officially] is Ingrid's A-support with Mercedes in Three Hopes, with Mercedes' final line wondering what Ingrid meant by "affection".

But for now, I'm going to enjoy the thought of Dorothea/Mercedes gay romance (which sadly also isn't officially possible in the games), and the two testing Ingrid's comfort-zone a bit too much. >:3

Heck, let's involve Hilda in this too. Her own supports with Marianne in both games, plus her "shockingly" forward A-support with Dorothea in Three Hopes, makes her bi-swinging potential just as evident.

....I'm all for anyone who wants to try their hand at Mercedes/Dorothea/Ingrid/Hilda foursome fan-art!

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