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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-05 10:45:15 » #495749

Right to left:
Panel 1:
Cloud density - normal.
Air resistance - normal.
All other factors - normal.
Just another day...huh?

Panel 2:

Panel 3:
Shenlong (ED:or just divine dragon)'s whisker!

Panel 4:
A lesson from Ms. Cirno:
Shenlong Whisker

Iku's finishing move, where she shoots off an immense bolt of lightning from her extended fingertips!
Iku uses it to communicate with her friends!
*And it looks cool, too!

Panel 5:
This is Iku Nagae, whom may I ask is speaking?

Iku? Good, you can hear. - It's me.

Panel 6:
....what? That voice...you can't be...Sister!?

Long time no see.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-05 19:43:51 » #496184

Does that really say Ms. Cirno? Looks like Keine...

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