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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-19 10:51:51 » #587514

>LOVE right till the end of the series
Love Yoko ended in a shower, she washed her and continued to live further. It some kind of a symbol, how a rape victim washes off the memory, so and Yoko has washed off Kamina.
In general, in a scene of awakening the main force was Simon, his consciousness was transformed into the image of a person close to him and freed him and everyone else. Time for you to calm down, breathe deep and and reconcile. Yoko loves Kittan, more than Kamina.
Troll is not me, trolls are authors of the anime.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-19 13:17:05 » #587608

"more than Kamina"
That's like, your opinion man. She's completly passive around him. The amount of attention he gets is like one to ten compared with Kamina. It's not hard to judge. She even lives by what Kamina told her, talks and thinks about him till the late episodes, cites him in ep 22 to give herself courage, gives a "there was a human... for him we will move forward" speach.
Way to go, hand waving all that and the fact that there's actually very little between Yoko and Kittan, that he for the most part is just a friend and is farewelled like a friend. Sorry, that's just yet another interpretation which has very little with the facts. Actually, the considered momment when Yoko 'deals' with Kamina's death is ep. 13, when she tells that to Simon (equivalent from the movie is the Adine fight). But even after that it's clear that she loves him.
The creators told you this? Anyway, the image in the book looks like this:
(image of pre-skip Yoko)<-love times ten->Kamina
(nothing for Kittan)
(image of startits Yoko)<-love->Kamina
(image of startits Yoko)<love?-> time-skip Kittan
The book is called the ultimate and official guide to Gurren Lagann (the only book that has more information than this is the 'Word of god') and it does not bullshit.
All what I wrote earlier is not an angry rant but true. I just feel to justify my arguments properly with some facts.
BTW, are you familiar with the dude from You Tube? Semisoma? He owns the WoG book. He said that Simon summoned Kamina's soul or something like that and Kamina used Simon's influence and went to Yoko's dream by himself. That is the REAL Kamina.
The creators are not trolls, they made the scene with Kamina and Yoko because they wanted to and because they wanted "to unite two people for one more time, who don't even need any words and just want to meet and see eachother in the place that united them but also separated forever" (from an interview).
Yep, Kamina is totally washed off.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-19 17:05:57 » #587863

Tl:dr. ver.
Actually, scratch that. Your theories are wrong and you are delusional. Yoko didn't love Kittan, deal with it. She washed off her grieve for Kittan in less than a minute and continued to love Kamina ever after.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-20 11:14:56 » #588749

>That's like, your opinion man
And your to. Discuss Gurren Lagann pretty stupid to do. The creators have done the right thing, which didn't concentrate on relationship of Yoko with men, so to the end and did not explain her feelings. In the anime, a lot of hints that can be interpreted as you like, a lot of ambiguous character, which gives rise to debate. It some kind of the marketing course allowing the different parties to think, as most they like it.
A lot of jealousy, a lot of saliva, a lot of calluses on fingers, and all because of the fact that Yoko chose Kittana, it's ridiculous and totally naive. And most importantly Kittan better and more responsible Kamina, and he loves children, and that's why he chose Yoko. Love Yoko to Kamina teenage love, possibly the first love that many people remember all life. Love for Kittani is love mature woman, mature love, and therefore less superficial.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 01:42:29 » #589634

[DENIAL] See above
Just shut up already. You're one bigass hypocrite, stating your dry and cold, unbased and biased *opinions* and *interpretations* like it's some divine truth, no curtesy of "I think" or "it's clear to ME" etc. and then giving me a lecture about opinions, ambiguity of Yoko's character and subtle debatable issues. Frankly, Yoko's feelings toward Kamina are explained plenty: remembrance and love. Love is love, it doesn't matter if you are ten or fifty, ther's quite a lot of immature adults who will never grasp the idea. And there are highshool loves that lasted forever, just like this one (vide Yoko's song). Yoko respects Kamina and wants to protect him and it really is mature love even at her age of eighteen. Kittan's crush isn't any more developed or mature, it's only the dramatic situation that makes it look like that. It's like I'm seeing friggin Simon all over again: the boob staring (and HOW, more vicious than Kamina ever did), blushing, flailing; all that childish stuff. Didn't you notice how Kittan treated her before he saw the space suit? Didn't you notice that Yoko's breasts become twice as large for the purpose of those episodes? All gets serious for about five minutes where Yoko is supposed to come to love Kittan by some miracle?
Kamina is also no less mature than Kittan, who lazed his ass off for years in the city. "I want to give the kids a world, where they can live under the blue sky without a care", looks like Kamina is able to care for the kids aswell, and later Yoko takes this upon herself: "Yomako" is a "gift" for Kamina as a fulfillment of his whish (true fact).
"he loves children, and that's why he chose Yoko."
What's that supposed to mean? He just wants her to give him babies?!
"Yoko chose Kittana" (you'd whish)
More like: she chose to turn off the fake image from the television to meet her true loved one. But frankly, she didn't GET to chose anything since both of them die. And if there was a chance, then it would be Kamina, no doubts. It's actually you who should be jaleous of all the beautiful official material for Kamina and Yoko as a couple, including the Parallel Works.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 03:26:45 » #589703

Hey guys, I just remembered this is an anime, not World War III. Why so butthurt?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 03:29:38 » #589709

This is a form of the 'Shipper Manifesto', which Kamina and Yoko never got^^/

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 10:14:19 » #589929

>Didn't you notice how Kittan treated her
Kamina addressed to her even worse, constantly jeered at her, mocked her fat ass... and generally behaved unworthily, throughout their relationship.
>she chose to turn off the fake image from the television
I in this scene haven't seen even a shade of Yoko emotions to Kamina, no hint of love, if you put the Wookie instead of it the reaction will be the same.
>Parallel Works
On these episodes to do conclusions, it's like to guess at the excrements in the toilet.
And if we talk on the merits, I am surprised your RAGE. If you so love Kamina so marry it, make with him the present brotherly merge, lol. I don't deny that Yoko loved Kamina in the past and it has left a trace during her lives, but this past as in the past love to Kittan, in the end she was left alone. So stop underestimate estimations to pictures with Yoko and Kittan, has made here a hysterics, as the enamoured little girl.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-21 22:23:22 » #590655

I'm not raging, I'm just treating you seriously. But it's like talking to a brick wall.
"mocked her fat ass"
That's an obvious (awkward) flirt, always done in a playful manner and when he askes if she's upset with him for this, he never does that again. Kamina *likes* everyrhing about her (butt including), as he "says" in the movie guide-book. You are exaggerateing in general, he's never angry or agressive toward her. He didn't call her a bitch like Kittan and he didn't shreak in her face that he want's to see more of her.
"I in this scene haven't seen even a shade of Yoko emotions to Kamina, no hint of love, if you put the Wookie instead of it the reaction will be the same."
I dissagre, this scene has been made with a lot of delicacy. For one, she only smiles when she sees him. You are suprisingly insensible once it commes to Kamina and Yoko... And yet you see "seas of love" with Kittan, when even the japanese fans were suprised to see the wedding. Asked why this is, the creators answered that they wanted to be discreet about Kamina and that these two didn't really care for this stuff.
"On these episodes to do conclusions, it's like to guess at the excrements in the toilet."
"I don't deny that Yoko loved Kamina in the past and it has left a trace during her lives"
You said she washed him off within a week of his death...
"If you so love Kamina so marry it"
He's taken, silly :P

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-22 11:18:40 » #591323

>You said she washed him off within a week of his death
You misinterpret everything, a rape victim after will wash in the shower, unless forgetting all about what happened, оf course not, it's a symbolic gesture of atonement! Life goes on, Yoko realist and he knows it.
They are called parallel precisely because they do not belong to the main plot, so judged on them relations rather silly.
>You are exaggerateing in general, he's never angry or agressive toward her.
You're talking about Kamina, and I talked about Yoko and her attitude towards his antics, and the reactions to total disrespect for her. In general, Yoko considers as its fool and below itself, in contrast to Kittan with whom she speaks as equals, therefore and character of their conflicts at the initial stage is more serious.

3 Points Flag