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Anonymous commented at 2011-02-04 20:00:42 » #608179

Cool story bro. Genome gave that wonky plan a 0% probability of success, it was kamikaze from the start. Also, Yoko wouldn't be able to go anyway because her gunman couldn't stand the dense space's pressure but King Kittan could. As for the rest, I just don't care ^_^
>«If I so see so mean it's actually true»
That's basically all what you've been doing from the start, comming here fully convinced that Kamina was Yoko's passable, teenage crush, while Kittan was her 'one true love', when it's FAR from that as I pointed out using official sources. As far as the TV series goes, there insn't even one instance where Yoko undoubtedly returns any of Kittan's affections.
>go to prove to others that smirk Yoko it gesture full of love, but no regrets.
It's a smile not a smirk. And I was talking about Kamina, his face is all butter. Franky, I don't need to prove anything as it seems a common consensus plus I have it printed on paper. How about you? Keep in mind though, that the whole maze was set up to make Kamina's appearance possible and touching. You would also notice that both Yoko and Simon wake up in places and times 'special' for their love interests. In Simon's case it's the 'graveyard' where he first met his wife; and for Yoko it's the hill where she and Kamina first kissed. I say that's rather powerful subtext.
>And then my toilet is clogged by such bull shit.
Ur obnoxious.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-07 22:47:10 » #612333

>Genome gave that wonky plan a 0%
From this it follows ... that they are all idiots, egoists and liars, and the scene with rockets can be cut out, I'll understand correctly?
>while Kittan was her 'one true love', when it's FAR
You also inattentively read, I said that Yoko has experienced feelings and even love to Kamina, but after his death, these feelings began to die off. Maybe if he remained alive, everything turned on another, but he died and on change to it in the heart of Yoko came Kittan.
> I say that's rather powerful subtext
Also, this subtext us hints that Yoko really a whore and loves of someone, kissed with another. Notice the MAINTHING, he appears during that moment when Simon and Yoko have understood that it only dreams. Not Kamina turned off the TV, but Yoko... so this subtext was killed in the embryo. All it looks so that they were freed without intervention of Kamina, simply authors couldn't find or anything sillier as to insert it muzzle. If all were otherwise, then your words would have the effect, but so... critical error, such error^^

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-09 09:30:51 » #614018

>Learn the rules of drama and tension building. We try everything we've got untill we move to drastic measures.
>You are amusingly immune to any kind of argument, fact and reason out of favouritism of your shipp. How many times did I tell that Yoko's love for Kamina did not fade? About ten?
Yoko's voice actress, a person responsible for pouring all emotion into this character reflected upon this, saying that Yoko's feelings for Kitan never passed beond friendship, she repeteadly stated that this was never romance and the very radio event this was on was titled "It's not romantic love". It's a sisterly love, always was. She also said that she loved Kamina then.
>Either you or your views upon this are messed up. Even if Yoko did love Kamina and Kittan equally, this would NOT make her a whore. What's wrong with you?
>Jesus, if there was a contest on missing the point on a mile, you would win it. That's the friggin point! He's not there to do everything for them, duuh! He's there to assist, to help. Yet, he is their (together with Nia for Simon) anchor with the reality, the most beloved memory, etc.
>Not Kamina turned off the TV, but Yoko...

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-09 12:06:11 » #614125

You forgot to add, because Kittan is dead, and for technical reasons can't be her husband. Yoko is not a naive silly woman, she a realist and a mature person, and this is the main line of her character. All of her actions should be interpreted with this point of view, rather than spread naive snot on the monitor, than you doing all the time.
>there to assist, to help
The only thing he helped Yoko so held it TV, as a static stand.
>this would NOT make her a whore
I wrote about this, true feelings don't share, they are absolute. If she loves Kamina, then wouldn't began to kiss Kittan, differently this treachery and so do just whores.
>Yoko's love for Kamina did not fade
And once again - -> differently this treachery and so do just whores. Again - -> Yoko is not a naive silly woman, she a realist and a mature person…
>voice actress… saying
And I happened to hear the views of janitors in Gainax, which asserts that in fact Yoko loves Boota, and that's why he sits with impunity in her boobs, and it's the real love concluded in heavens.
But seriously, opinion of actors of dubbing-in their this private opinion, not related to reality. So if this opinion was expressed by script writers are a different matter. But poke me in the picture, after what I wrote is inexcusable stupid, I might as well poke you in my words. >Yoko has experienced feelings and even love to Kamina, but after his death, these feelings began to die off.
And noticed this neither contradicts what is written there, and here where is written, what her love remained for the rest of life, and even in that moment when she kissed Kittan?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-09 12:53:57 » #614145

calm the fuck down people. this is teh internetz, no matter how much you argue, the other guy is not going to agree with you. so stop fighting about who yoko is and is not in love with
and enjoy the reason everyone is here in the first place.

the wandering anon

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-10 10:52:19 » #615264

Shhh, wandering anon, I'm conducting an experiment!
>Wrong, Yoko, according to her profile, is just a girly girl in her love affairs. If you take her for such a jailer then why would she fall for Kittan in the middle of a battle? War zone is not a place for fucking cuddles! Not-silly girls dream of beauty pageants?
>Ha ha! Can you be more constipated? Anti-Kamina/Yoko-googles glued to the face? Hey, why it's not Kittan?
>All is right in the world. I didn't see her making advances on Kittan!
> See manual/argument invalid.
> Loving someone who is no more doesn't make you silly, just slightly melancholic. Yoko is plenty.
> You are too cocky. That was an official Gurren show, and if her opinion doesn't matter, than yours even less so. But go ahead, keep denying. You can sit in your little bubble for all I care. And I doubt you can make a romance from zero to the wedding plans in a course of two episodes.
>...she kissed Kittan?
She did? I saw Kittan kissing a dumbstruck Yoko (who is shown to have her eyes open the whole time on illust). Simon and Nia are 'married' in that chart.
"[... La, la, love you forever/ I miss you and...]" -See? There you go, it's written!

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-10 12:09:39 » #615308

>You can sit in your little bubble for all I care. And I doubt you can make a romance from zero to the wedding plans in a course of two episodes.
Return to you your words and stop here this senseless discussion. Also I would add one more thing, I haven't seen any significant argument, in the manual about love to a coffin is nothing written, all your words from the series - I so think or I want to think. Senseless to talk with wall, which is living in the past, and having fun in the long-decayed remains! And remember Wookiees, he is watching for you, even when you wash in the shower!^^/~~~

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-11 22:17:31 » #616846

Was that an attempt at a witty snark? Try harder.
>significant argument
You would't acknowledge an argument even if it sat on your face, mister Great Wall of China.
>which is living in the past, and having fun in the long-decayed remains!
Hey asshole, remember that Simon spend most of his life fulfilling his deceased wife's whish. What a waste of time according to you! The manual? Are you sure? It certaintly outlived Kittan, lol. But you should rather focus on proving that she loved him, I haven't really seen you give an effort, save for imposing your preferences. From the storytelling perspective it's better that she didn't- adds a little realism. Not every love has to be requited.
So, I guess have fun with your space-debris?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-12 10:36:28 » #617325

I something should answer, just do not understand what you want from me, I hope this is not sexual harassment? I was so at once I can not, I'm an honest girl, at first you need to get acquainted with my parents!

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-13 05:56:32 » #693276

srly dud, stop it you lose along time ago Yoko always loved Kamina

5 Points Flag