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Gunnerkrigg commented at 2024-02-26 11:58:41 » #2869835
Nobody should have to go without their daily dose of vitamin H, is what I meant to say. Damn broken hand.
4 Points Flag
Nobody should have to go without their daily dose of vitamin H, is what I meant to say. Damn broken hand.
4 Points Flag
ElectricSheepFailure commented at 2024-03-09 22:34:50 » #2873413
"Jesus Christ, leave me the fuck alone."
7 Points Flag
"Jesus Christ, leave me the fuck alone."
7 Points Flag
Juice_McKenzie commented at 2024-04-12 23:17:23 » #2882139
That?s enough internet for a week
21 Points Flag
That?s enough internet for a week
21 Points Flag
NaiveFantasies commented at 2024-04-12 11:56:34 » #2882030
Love the idea of waking up or playing a game of hide and seek like that
0 Points Flag
Love the idea of waking up or playing a game of hide and seek like that
0 Points Flag
Scootaluigi commented at 2024-04-13 01:30:01 » #2882163
If you play Epona's Song for her she gives you free milk
2 Points Flag
If you play Epona's Song for her she gives you free milk
2 Points Flag