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Date: Jul 24, 2024User: issei_demonix1784Rating: ExplicitScore: 0

BlankedFire commented at 2024-07-26 11:48:11 » #2905079

What IS this? Why is it even here? Its just a screencap of Kara, with an AI generated piece of art of Issei. What's the point of this being here, it doesn't even qualify as fan art, its just a random mashed picture.

2 Points Flag





Date: Feb 3, 2023User: danbooruRating: SensitiveScore: 70

doubleflame commented at 2024-07-26 10:22:48 » #2905063

That makes this so much darker because the ghost in the house is her dead son.

0 Points Flag
pornaddict1 commented at 2023-11-25 12:32:38 » #2846632

50,000 PokéDollars is like $250 to $600, based on the in-game price of lemonade. Silph Co. is really generous. I'm assuming this is her selling the house, not buying one.

2 Points Flag

Date: Jul 25, 2024User: danbooruRating: SensitiveScore: 5

soarel commented at 2024-07-26 10:15:46 » #2905062

The artist's commentary on this one pretty clearly says "him", if the male chest structure wasn't obvious enough. Takeru is a boy

1 Points Flag


Date: Jun 20, 2021User: DweenieRating: SensitiveScore: 16

AprilCleaving commented at 2024-07-26 09:49:09 » #2905055

This art looks amazing! Keep up the good work!!

1 Points Flag

Date: May 16, 2024User: ZantonellaRating: ExplicitScore: 108

nocruoro1 commented at 2024-07-26 09:26:38 » #2905050

That's what you get for drinking more than you can handle Cana and mixing alcohol with cum in your mouth.

0 Points Flag