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User Comments:

Anonymous commented at 2010-12-23 04:33:24 » #555756

no way is that guy on the ground human...

2 Points Flag
ShadowbladeEdge commented at 2011-07-01 19:33:45 » #793583

Artist's commentary:
Title: 増え始める鬼

Title: "Demons" begin to gather
For many days, the strange incidents continued.
In one, someone suddenly began attacking others with no particular motive, while at worst murders were taking place.
This might have been ascribed to insane criminals, but the strange thing was all these people had been completely 'normal' before committing their crimes. They had no records of criminal or psychological abnormality, but simply went mad and lashed out while working, shopping or having a conversation.
Were they taking a new narcotic, or did the heat simply drive them mad?
Something was unusual, wrong. But what could that be?

7 Points Flag