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Anonymous commented at 2011-01-28 06:07:59 » #598826

parody of the ending of Kore wa zombie desu ka?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-28 08:25:44 » #598901

yeah, i just star the serie two days ago, i thought that i was going to losee myself , when i saw the protagonist dong that cosplay at the end of chapter 1 ;D

0 Points Flag
imanut commented at 2011-09-30 15:08:28 » #889992

Damn....that's worse than ayumu...at least he didn't have a god damn BLADE stuck through him.........you get killed in some bogus ways, ragna.
First you got Om nom'd by the black beast.
Then you got melted inTO the black beast a couple of times.
Now your dying, pinned to a chair so you can't go anywhere while nu and lambda dance in front of you, mocking your freedom, but no matter ho you try, you can only watch....till you die.
Then, since nu is batshit, commence the epic guro and necrophilia. Your drifting spirit sees it all.
Then, time loops again, and now the feeling of all that just happened previously sinks in and you go cry in the shower.
The spirit of sol watches and pities you, son.
He knows your pain.

Either that....or you got pinned to the chair and currently they are giving you an epic boner (no way around that) with their dance, but you can't rape the hell out of their asses.
Either way....what a horrible way to die.
Waka Waka.

6 Points Flag