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Anonymous commented at 2011-02-04 02:56:57 » #607440

N is so sexy as a girl. those boobs of her are huggable

28 Points Flag
WhiteDemon commented at 2011-02-04 07:56:32 » #607616

How he should have been :3

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-04 20:23:31 » #608207

Genderswap's with Green hair. Always nice.

10 Points Flag
Jjjompe commented at 2011-02-07 12:07:10 » #611734

Couldn't care less for a wannabe-cool emo dude.
Now THIS is more like it!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-04 18:28:12 » #681620

Explains Gehtis's alternative motives............. and N's mood swings.

7 Points Flag
opuk0 commented at 2011-04-06 21:29:11 » #684516

. . . I will never see N the same way again . . .

"I am the King of Team Plasma"

. . . "I think you mean Queen, and with good reason."

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-19 17:45:54 » #700886

Since her father had founded Team Plasma he had been away for long periods of time, leaving N to lounge around the castle by herself a lot of the time. She had her two female friends in the form of Concordia and Anthea, but they were older than her. And often they were absent from the castle as well. This left N to herself, sitting in her room and watching her train set endlessly go round and round the grid. It as depressing, but N remained child-like all of her life, always finding humour and joy in that train set. She also had other toys in her nursery, but none compared to that train set.
It reminded her of the time that she went to Kanto from Johto many years ago, traveling by rail. It was an invigorating experience and one that she would like to relive. That was back when her father cared about her and made time for her, before Ghetsis became a Pokemon sex enthusiast. Now he just wanted to go and fuck with Pokemon and people (in two very different ways) and it depressed N. Part of her wanted to make her daddy proud by joining Team Plasma, but the other part of her just wanted him back to his old self.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-26 20:42:35 » #749174

Jjjompe, how exactly was N a "wannabe-cool emo dude"?

2 Points Flag
Jjjompe commented at 2012-01-21 14:30:59 » #982838

Hehe, I have to apologise for that comment...
I wrote it way before I played the game and actually got to see what he was like. Nowadays I feel differently about him. Still...
Gotta love those delicious titties ;))

2 Points Flag