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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-13 06:52:21 » #653027

And now let us edit the tags by removing Leaf.
Hell! You can't have Oak Green and Leaf in the same game as it would contradict the given colour sheme! It wouldn't be so bad, if she was called Water instead of Leaf.

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Lurkerella commented at 2011-07-13 22:14:55 » #810296

Leaf is actually a fan-name so I don't take it seriously lol.

The story: A Bulbapedia editor mailed Nintendo to confirm the Leaf name and they said there wasn't an official name for Blue's game counterpart so fans could call her whatever they want.

The Leaf name comes from unused data in the game code, people though it was cool and named her that way :Y

Red and Green official name was revealed until Generation II because they became NPC, I was hoping to see Blue/Leaf revealed in Generation IV but she didn't appear in HG & SS :I way to go Nintendo lol. What is this thing with Nintendo only allowing one female trainer at time? The games sometimes feel like a circle-jerk because of this.

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