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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-05 14:52:13 » #643026

the green one is out of place. sofar here is how i see it, blue and white is ichika, blue and black is Cecilia, the black and red with the rail gun is laura, and orange is char. all that is left is rin and hoaki, but hoaki is like red/pink with black with the two chinese swords with circular sholder armer with the invisible guns. and hoaki's yet to be attained is is a red one

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-05 21:19:04 » #643377

The green one is a representation of the Rafale revive, The teacher's (Maya Yamada's) personal I.S.

Note: the Rafale revive I.S. is kind of a parody of the Zaku line of mobile suits from Gundam, where Charlotte was modeled after Char Aznabelle with a customized Zaku (Rafale revive custom II).

Ah yes. Lingyin's Shenlong and Houki's Akatsubaki are not included in the picture.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-06 14:17:33 » #644237

but then why would one include th teacher when the onyl time she showed interest was when ichika accidentally groped her. and that was only taken as a joke

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