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Anonymous commented at 2011-04-02 12:29:05 » #678661

what anime is she from? really want to know seeing as the tags dont say.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-03 07:36:54 » #679742

The manga is called nana to kaoru.
An OVA will be released this year.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-03 17:20:06 » #680274

It's already out. But it's not really an OVA but more a bonus to the 6th volume of the manga. They aren't planning any more episodes yet.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-06 11:53:19 » #683894

Subbed english, avi file. Also, it's marked as OVA 1...so...idk.

1 Points Flag
yuetchi commented at 2011-05-04 19:47:31 » #720405

the entire manga is based on S&M. of course, if they're making an anime/ova/oad/etc adaptation they might tone it down a bit. but basically speaking, its (probably) gona be just more fetish/ecchi stuff like seikon no qwaser was.

tl;dr you're gona be too busy fapping to care about the story

4 Points Flag