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Anonymous commented at 2011-04-07 14:40:27 » #685476

Okay... I usually post something witty or completely irrelavant to the cause... or just give it kudos and go...

But just so you know...

I was going to give this kudos for looking like the best work that a five year old could do with a paint tool. But, instead I'm going to lame you and say this is pitiful.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-08 14:58:54 » #686762

censorship bullshit this is

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-19 00:39:10 » #700026

al bhed eyes.....not swirly eyes al bhed eyes, its specifically al bhed eyes.....why? i don't think people care enough for the al bhed or Rikku to look up that tag. why not call it swirly eyes because im pretty sure thats what you call it when they have a swirl pattern. you know what im changing the tag because that bugs me so much.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-01 03:28:27 » #864861

every comment before this is dumb

anon1: jesus christ, man, just shut up. this is obviously awesome. if you know any five-year-olds who can draw like this, you should be busy getting them contracts with fucking publishing agencies and not pissing around on gelbooru.

anon2: there's nothing even vaguely sexual about this. even if the pink stuff were spooge or something similar, it wouldn't have been censored anyway. they only have to censor actual sex organs. so it's clearly been done on purpose, for aesthetic effect or to make a statement or whatever but i think it looks cool as fuck.

anon3: i'm just going to go ahead and assume you were high as shit when you typed your comment, and that's fine. getting baked and looking at pictures on the internet is fun but you've got to understand that even though your thoughts might make sense to you, they aren't going to make sense to anyone else. if you feel you've absolutely got to say whatever it is you've got to say, just type it out and wait until you're sober to look it over again and submit it. gelbooru will thank you.

uh anyway now that i've gotten all that horseshit out of the way, i can safely say:

holy shit this is cool

15 Points Flag