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Anonymous commented at 2011-05-16 16:17:26 » #736442

It's sad we can't train dogs to use condoms :P

4 Points Flag
PumpJack_McGee commented at 2011-05-16 17:39:41 » #736539

If you're screwing dogs, I don't think condom use is among your top priorities.

11 Points Flag
Animeserf commented at 2011-05-19 07:15:16 » #739734

Why would a dog need a condom?
Its physically impossible for a dog to impregnate a human female, or a human male to impregnate a bitch (female dog)
As well, STD's do not apply with bestiality.
Basically, its no holds barred sex with absolutely no reprecussions whatsoever.

7 Points Flag
Lolrider commented at 2011-05-19 11:01:01 » #739855

Other than the fact that you're having sex with an animal.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-19 11:16:40 » #739872

I was told once that dog semen (or semen of non-human species in general for that matter) may cause an allergic reaction in some people if they're exposed to it.

So it might not be as pointless as you might think.

4 Points Flag
Allihanna commented at 2011-05-22 19:16:42 » #743769

Humans are animals too. You're just changing species.

10 Points Flag
Allihanna commented at 2011-05-22 19:21:49 » #743777

And the best thing about letting a dog fuck you is letting him cum as they please inside you, without any fear. Their body temperature is bigger than ours and the hottness of their cum feels amazing.

21 Points Flag
Pappaluigi commented at 2011-05-22 19:22:33 » #743778

And So Furries are made

2 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2011-05-22 20:15:30 » #743857

@Allihanna: temperature isn't "bigger", it's higher. lol use the right word. Plus, you don't need to give lessons on having sex with dogs on every single bestiality pic. Most looking at theses are guys, so they won't be trying it out.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-13 16:04:49 » #771408

@Daijin. Really now? Just cause I'm a guy doesnt mean, I totally want to get mounted by a well endowed male husky, or a beautiful clydestale, horse!

8 Points Flag