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Anonymous commented at 2011-06-17 04:51:09 » #775936

You didn't think the censoring would ruin the picture at all?

Deriously, what kind of dumbass censors his/her own work? >>

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-17 23:12:51 » #776822

i am sick of seeing these same comments on every fucking image. So here it goes, in all caps so that you will get the message: IT IS THE LAW IN JAPAN FOR ALL PORNOGRAPHY TO BE CENSORED, HENTAI IS FROM JAPAN AND IS PORNOGRAPHY THEREFORE IT MUST BE CENSORED, IT IS THE LAW. Is that not clear enough? so just enjoy it fuckwads.

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-17 23:16:28 » #776825

Whoa... kyubey is smiling so evilly

8 Points Flag
Fishcaek-Chan commented at 2011-07-01 16:38:15 » #793373

He always look's like that.

11 Points Flag
2xD commented at 2011-07-03 19:24:44 » #796004

Exactly the point

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-20 19:42:17 » #905686

@anon2: I agreed up until "so just enjoy it fuckwads."

I'm not going to enjoy censored works. I understand the law, but that doesn't keep me from being pissed off when I see censored images without the censored tag.

if people actually bothered to label their images as censored, uncensored, or decensored, there wouldn't be any problem.

4 Points Flag
Borticus commented at 2011-10-20 22:28:19 » #905820

From the thumbnail, I thought she was sitting on a block of ice with a lollipop in it.

2 Points Flag
Argos3 commented at 2013-09-15 11:49:36 » #1399593

You do have to admit, the censoring kind of removes the entire point of the mirror.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-19 21:39:01 » #1505824

argos3 , the church/american military complex which secretly rules japan WANTS to take the point out of japanese porn so that it becomes less popular and thus keeping people away from it . I think that japans low birth rate has to do with a NWO conspiracy and they seek to wipe japanese people off of the map eventually .

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-19 22:07:46 » #1505839

The censoring of Japanese porn dates back to the Meiji era, way before any sort of American occupation.

And in fact, during WW2, Japan banned porn outright. After the war ended, it was unbanned and even uncensored for a short time. The previously high rates of sexual crimes in Japan during the war plummeted after porn got brought back.

Of course there were Japanese that thought the full display of genitalia was wrong, so it got censored. Again.

Even Japan has prudes, you could say.

4 Points Flag