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GameMasterKyro commented at 2013-04-03 20:19:28 » #1295849


2 Points Flag
Lethe114 commented at 2015-08-21 16:59:36 » #1799629

@Jedah998 @Anon 4 - It's not fully a remake it's a half-assed one. They didn't change any dialogue, hence the still dated and mistranslated dialogue, they recycled the N64 lines for Link (Nobuyuki Hiyama) and Ganondorf (Nagasako) and basically every single person in the game. Motion aiming and Iron&Hover boots as Items are the only redeeming qualities. If it was a remake it wouldn't have the lazy 3d characters on a 2d backdrop they had in the old version, but they still do, and yet they still bothered to use polygons. It's a touch-up not a remake. It's not a remake if you don't >RE<make it. Upping the graphics some and adding a couple new things isn't viable to be called a remake, that is a remaster. OoT3D was missing so many things they could have done. Master Quest is also completely unchanged, dungeon layout exactly the same. (Imo, MQ is boring). They could have added the Beta (Zelda64) has a playable mode for beating Master Quest and OoT within a certain amount of time. Also, they could have added a c-stick camera rotation as a DLC Add-on. Really unfair that Majora 3D gets it and Ocarina doesn't (doubly so because Majora is so short)

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