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ckretaznman commented at 2012-10-24 17:36:34 » #1188294

Artist's commentary:

This is the story of an old highway that has been around for a very long time called the "Kisaragi Highway".
Apart from being quite narrow, it was otherwise a normal looking road. But ever since the time of Japan's post-war economic growth, there have been many disturbances on this road caused by ghosts.
To start with, there were only vague eye witness reports, but as the reported sightings increased, the number of traffic accidents also started to rise. In addition, people from the villages located alongside this highway started to disappear and their inhabitants also started suffering from infectious diseases of unknown origin.
Once the villages were obliterated, then it was the passers-by turn to start disappearing, and there were even cases when whole cars would disappear as well.
As there were so many of these strange occurrences happening, the authorities decided to block off the highway. Although an investigation was launched, many members of the research teams started to become injured and some even ended up dead.
As a result, the highway has remained closed until now, and the cause of the strange occurrences still remains a mystery.
Although nowadays in Japanese "Kisaragi" is written using the hiragana script, in the olden days the kanji character for "Oni" used to have an alternative reading pronounced "Kisaragi".

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