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salarta commented at 2011-08-13 03:43:06 » #845379

Tagged it with the important tags that thebatman refused to put on this, or even so much as a 'tagme' so people knew this needed to be tagged.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-14 06:47:06 » #846645

Hot. Simply hot.
Just sucks that TLS was such an average game... :/

10 Points Flag
salarta commented at 2011-08-14 13:46:00 » #846926

I think it sucks more that Nintendo of America refuses to bring over good games, or even average ones if you consider TLS as such, over to the U.S. for people to have more than one game per year worth playing on a Nintendo system.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-15 10:24:08 » #847770

I agree, but let's be realistic:
It's a fact that the US market as such is bigger than the european/PAL one, but the european anime/RPG market is bigger (in percentage). Also, european players have a completely different opinion in how a game should be localized.

e.g. the voice acting: Most US players prefer english voice acting, european players dislike them. European players prefer the original japanese dub.
Do you know that Arc Rise Fantasia was Europes most wanted RPG, even above ToG and others? But when the US version was ANNOUNCED (not even released, JUST ANNOUNCED!) that Ignition Entertainment got the rights ro publish the game in the US with english voice acting ONLY, that people in Europe pretty much said "Fuck you" to a POSSIBLE localization and that they DEMANDED japanese voice acting for a possible PAL release? There is a reason why Xenoblade has japanese voice acting. Marvelous decided to not release it in Europe BECAUSE of the bullshit Ignition Entertainment did (Just wanted to say that).

Regarding TLS, people (obviously) expected a "Final Fantasy-like" title, because of Sakaguchi (Console style RPG gameplay, a GOOD story and good characters, nothing more). Sadly, the gameplay has (besides the crossbow with bridges, to name an example) barely strategic elements and so TLS is more like an Action game than an RPG, the characters aren't bad, but sadly, the story is just plain average.

From what I experienced myself and from others, the gameplay is just plain disappointing.

Long story short: You can only control Elza, his actions are VERY limited, the average story is "quest driven" and the story telling isn't very good either.
In Xenoblade the fact that you can only control 1 character has at least a reason: Monado.

BTW: The US got MANY good games european players never got, just wanted to say that.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-12 01:10:10 » #1319287

English voice acting in JRPGs are as plastic as the relationship betwen Zael and Calista...

1 Points Flag