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Izanagidonutz commented at 2014-01-28 00:53:45 » #1478013

The lack of Ouka art makes me sad.
This is a good sketch tho

2 Points Flag
Animal_King commented at 2018-03-23 22:00:45 » #2222889

I hear ya @Izanagidonutz.
She's gotta be one of my most favorite characters ever, if not my favorite, and the lack of art of her is just a big shame. Be it innocent or non-innocent art, more artwork would be a taste of paradise.

I feel like she and/or .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet just missed/passed over a lot of people - and so people didn't get on board with the character and grant her the possible popularity. I've introduced my pack to her character/the anime since I was blessed enough to meet them, and gotten Ouka and the series a few more fans that way - but that's still just a few dozen more souls.
That and I don't think that many/most of the short anime series out there really get all that much popular attention, even if the animes or some of their characters deserve said attention.
I know this isn't so much of an action-thrilling anime(until Ouka steps up to play that is, heeheeeeee... Can't help but grin whenever she starts the beatdowns ????), but the cute-looking animation route & sweet feeling the anime gives off is more suited for such a short series as this one. They did it right I think, but maybe most people aren't into the kind of anime it is *shrugs*.

I put it in the gaming-anime category with the likes of SAO and other .hack//'s of course, but this is far better than SAO to me(and I've yet to watch the rest of the .hack//'s). .hack//LotTB is one of my fav-5 animes - for my big favoritism of Ouka in-part(and Balmung, Sanjuro, and the Silver Knight after her - all whom I found to be pretty cool guys in the time they had), but also for the storyline that I did like albeit feeling it was cruelly too short. I've always given it a 9/10 for said reason of being too short for my tastes when I wished it to go on longer.

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