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Anonymous commented at 2011-10-04 13:46:54 » #893634

Tcheren looks like a girl :(

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-04 16:30:24 » #893770

Why oh why does N always make it in these pictures? He's a main villain, like Giovanni, Cyrus, Maxie, and Archie!

8 Points Flag
hangar commented at 2011-10-04 18:25:37 » #893833

^N doesn't deserve to be among the villains either! Sakaki, Matsubusa, Aogiri, Akagi, and Ghetsis are far too badass compared to N. He can join the Champion grouping though

Why does N always make to the picture like this? He even doesn;t have proper starter to begin with. *look at artist name* a female. It now make sense.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-04 19:59:04 » #893892

Though I agree N shouldn't be included, he's technically a rival of Touya and Touko, just like Green (Gary) is with Red.

On to the good things I like about this picture:
I love how Ruby and Sapphire are hugging and look like they're saying, "We made it into the picture!!! I love you Sapphire/Ruby!!!" You can tell there's alot of love...

5 Points Flag
Deltabeta26 commented at 2011-10-04 21:15:04 » #893945

Notice that the poses become less epic as the line goes inward but becomes incredibly epic on the ends with Red and N and their specific brands of epicness.

2 Points Flag
hangar commented at 2011-10-04 22:59:07 » #894041

As expected, my comment get thumbed down again. Red is overrated, N is overrated, but at least Red rarely appear in picture that he actually doesn't deserve to appear in.

@anon3: Green at least got proper starter and clear rivalry status to begin with unlike N who doesn't even have proper starter and radically different team each time we fought him. Heck, Mitsuru deserve more to be in pic like this than N.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-07 02:02:28 » #895888

pf course red is over rated then again blame it on ash that he is

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-07 08:28:40 » #896082

Why should Ash be the reason Red is overrated? Ash is the biggest loser in Pokemon and a embarrassment to the Pokemon protagonist.

14 Points Flag
Cinibarinius commented at 2011-10-08 08:38:47 » #896772

Hey guys, N is not the main villain, Ghetsis is the main villain, Cheren and Bianca are your friends not really rivals, the same way that May or Brendan were not your actual through game rival but more of a friend throughout your journey, N is the rival just like Wally was the Rival in RSE, this is how things shake out Ghetsis=Archie/Maxie, Bianca & Cheren=May/Brendan, and N=Wally...

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-09 16:43:20 » #897820

N is probably grouped in pictures like this because he really isn't actually evil, and he also has a design which fits in with other pokedex holders.

3 Points Flag