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Anonymous commented at 2011-10-21 10:09:12 » #906213

No, this is terrible. Not even because it's a Touhou BlazBlue crossover, but because Koakuma has absolutely zero to do with Jin in any way shape or form.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-26 08:15:36 » #910371

@Anon1: You do realize that both Jin and Koakuma are employees of a "Library", both are proficient in the use of elemental-type magics (Koakuma is highly-likely to be using ice magics as well due to the color and design of her bullets in EoSD), both have an affiliation to the word "Lust" (Jin's theme music being "Lust SIN" and Koakuma being a Succubus), and somehow, both are from a prestigous household.

Also to note, while Ragna and Flandre are both destructive, Jin and Koakuma are both bounded by Order.

Hopefully, that clears things up.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-11-02 07:42:37 » #916488

The only thing is, she isn't a succubus.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-05 21:20:57 » #943855

I need to down vote anon1 way more than just one time for that.

7 Points Flag
I_LOVE_RACHEL-SAMA commented at 2011-12-13 17:37:50 » #950452

Jin isn't from a rich household

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-16 00:41:11 » #952444

You're completely wrong, anon2, literally none of what you said was correct. Librarium is just the name of the government. Neither of them are from prestigious households. Jin was adopted into one and Koakuma is clearly a servant if anything. Also, Ars Magus is explicitly not magic. And besides, Jin doesn't have any real ice abilities, it's his nox nyctores that does it for him.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-23 13:49:15 » #958307

JESUS CHRIST. Just enjoy the crossover. I also have to agree with anon #910371

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-26 11:29:34 » #960565

@Anon #950452

You say that the Kisaragi Family is NOT a highly-esteemed family even though it is technically said in-game that the Kisaragi Family is one of the 12 highest-ranking noble families (called "Duo Decim")? Yes, Jin is adopted, but he is STILL from a prestigious household, and he is even the 1st in-line inheritor of the family.

@Anon #952444

Technically, even though it's not a literal library, the NOL is STILL called "The Library", isn't it? So, no problem there.

Also in-game, Jin is adopted by the Kisaragi Family and somewhat sees him as a "Servant" of sorts to the family and the NOL, much like how Koakuma is technically adopted and became a "Servant" to Patchouli Knowledge and the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Also, Ars Magus is STILL magic but was only converted to be usable. The game did not explicitly stated that it is not a form of magic. (Somewhat similar to "Mana" in Fate/Stay Night).

And to make it clear, Jin's Nox Nyctores (Yukianesa) grants him the ability to manipulate and control ice, therefore your conclusion is somewhat blurry, because it's like you're saying that his Yukianesa does it on it's own even though Jin is the one manipulating it's powers.

Putting those aside, I also agree with Anon #910371. An awesome crossover, the similarities are perfect, and a fine art to boot.

10 Points Flag
MidbossVyers commented at 2012-07-07 14:01:27 » #1110846

Seithr is basically mana, correct?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-08 04:08:43 » #1219721

It's not ice magic, a lot of projectile use the color scheme ok Koakuma's projectile. A lot of random fairies, and also some bosses that have nothing to do with elemental magic.
She uses sumon magic, as shown by the circle she make appear that then sends the danmaku that look like "♂", but the bubble ones come from her.
It's anything but elemental, closer to "pure magic" or "ether" or whatever it's named in the current system. Non-elemental, if you will.

Koakuma isn't exactly a succubus, although a lot of people asume she is because of her head wings, and thus do a correlation with Morigan and other depiction of sucubii in japanese media; for instance the sucubus from lord of vermilion awfully ressemble her. She isn't exactly either Patchouli's servant.
The only thing confirmed by ZUN is that:
1) she dwells mostly in the library
2) she's impish.
Koakuma means imp, but that isn't her actual name, that's more a general name for her species. Her being a succubus is probably a lazzy shortcut because of her playful/teasing nature and being a devil; albeit a lesser one. I seriously doubt she's a full blown slut that lives off of semen.
The fact that she resides in the library doesn't prove much in itself, as a lot of nameless fairies are just freeloading in koumakan while doing very minor maid work.
Though, ZUN also stated that she has short hair; but that's probably the same thing as ZUN stating that Patchouli's dress has no stripes, he's the only one to think that.

1 Points Flag