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Anonymous commented at 2011-10-23 04:24:44 » #907706

Oh get the fuck up, Hope, you little piece of shit. I spent three damn chapters listening to you bitch and moan about "MY MOMMY IS DAED" and whether or not you should stab a man. Pussies get no pussy.

20 Points Flag
JimmyJimDandy commented at 2012-01-26 22:26:51 » #987337

You kids probably can't imagine what it might actually BE like to watch your mother fall from a suspended bridge hanging over an abyss. Instead of joining the hard-ass bandwagon, try to grow a pair and understand where he's coming from.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-31 18:15:18 » #991482

You say that like nobody has ever actually lost a loved on. Sorry, but the real world isn't that pretty. Most people have lost people they care for, and not all of us whine forever about it. I can understand his dislike for Snow, but the endless emo act is just too much, it made his character flat and irritating.

On a more related to the pic note though, these shots are quite good.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-02-06 03:53:29 » #995848

Are we seriously, well some of us seriously fighting over a picture of "HOPE ESTHEIM" getting...pussy?...

might I ask WHY, there is an arguement about him and his
hatred at first for Snow, and his dead mother and blah blah blah? I personally never actually paid attention to him talking about his mother.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-24 08:36:40 » #1056831

you are all without "JimmyJimDany" are so stupid you must thing before write any shit here

1 Points Flag