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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-26 07:30:39 » #668874

So.. The story basically is, you live alone in your apartment and are a hopeless otaku freak that will never get laid. And on one very rainy day you take a brief look out the window only to see Sakura standing there, crying and getting drenched by the rain even tho she has a umbrella with her. So you wonder why shes so sad. Now you have an idea, you take your umbrella and leave your house through the back door, walk around the house and act like you just came home. Than you walk over to sakura and ask her what shes doing there, she says that (her crush) Yukito has a girlfriend now and never has time for her... You say that shes gonna catch a cold like that and should better come in and call her daddy to pick her up. She agrees. The phone doesn't work, seems like the wires got damaged in the storm. You tell her she should take a shower while you try to get her uniform dry. And the whole thing ends up somehow like that: Uniform is still to wet to wear and needs to dry, Sakura is wrapped up in multiple towels and sitting in front of the TV. (because you told her so) You make some tea for her and tell her you are going to her place and tell her dad what exactly happened. But she doesn't want you to leave... And yeah, thats where the really hot part starts, you make the first move and she want's it too... you get the idea.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-10 15:51:24 » #689637

^Cool story bro.

6 Points Flag