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GirlymaN commented at 2012-01-29 17:19:07 » #989784

'Rebecca knew that real nature of the dressing was his sperm, and she was pleased.
She asked it to serve him sperm directly.
He was excited very much and presented direct sperm dressing to her mouth.

However, it was all his delusion. '

NOW, if some1 could put that in proper english..

8 Points Flag
HRDSalami654 commented at 2012-02-08 10:30:48 » #997605

I believe it is something to the fact of, "Rebecca knew that the secret dressing was really sperm, which made her happy. She asked for him to give her just the sperm. This made him happy and he gladly gave her his sperm. However it was a dream."

Machine translations are great, aren't they?

8 Points Flag
berufegoru commented at 2012-03-05 19:18:39 » #1016834

Did my best with the notes.

5 Points Flag