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sleepyheady commented at 2012-09-05 14:24:25 » #1154903

Just incase people want behind story,

I don't exactly remember the title but this was a manga where there is a boy (the guy who’s jerking off to the woman's face) was being bullied by group of boys.

To make his revenge, he picks out the leader of the group and makes move on his mother when she visits him to apologize for her son's behaviour... and netorare starts where he slowly manipulates her into his slut and the boys from the group finds out and serve him as leader and in return, he allows them to have fun with his slut. The ex-leader doesn't realize what’s going on until very late, and this picture is actually a scene from the manga where ex-leader is given a video tape and sees a crazy slut being fucked by group of boys.

Later he finds out the slut was his own mother and she has now forsaken her family for her master. He makes sincere apology to the boy he bullied and asked for permission to have sex with his mother, which he got denied in the face and..... yeah... true netorare ending.

Anyhow I hope this gave you a nice background story and nice fapping.


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