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Anonymous commented at 2008-03-18 12:04:20 » #5021

Boy: What happens in /sh/ stays in /sh/!

Men: Technically gelbooru doesn't not count as /sh/...<3

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Anonymous commented at 2010-01-23 15:18:56 » #210244

god! i wanna know what their saying!

3 Points Flag
Anti_Gendou commented at 2010-09-28 03:27:22 » #452758

Lol Maki is a deretsun.

1 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2013-12-10 12:40:03 » #1451063

I don't think this is Makoto.

1. The dialog that was translated on Danbooru points to this being Maki. She even thinks that he's still gross. From what I have seen, Makoto never came across Hosaka, and therefore had no reason to consider him gross.

2.While the hairpiece points to Makoto, that wasn't originally there. That appears to be photoshopped in. The colored version also lacks the hairpiece.

Even with the photoshop in place, the dialog is the same between versions. Meaning that either Maki and Makoto were thinking the same thing, and that Hosaka had to mistake Makoto for Maki, or that wearing a hairpiece does not turn one into Makoto. He isn't some "Chosen One" able to wear what no man or woman was able to wear before. That hairpiece is not one of a kind and anybody could wear it if they had it.

Even with the hairpiece, I still don't see Maki as Makoto, the person who shopped it didn't replace the dialog. The actual pixiv page for this artist has the colored version and it lacks the hairpiece. So I propose the tag changes +hairpiece -Makoto_(minami-ke) and +photoshop.

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