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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-16 02:01:17 » #813426

It's a Guy Fawkes mask, it's based on the hapless sap they charged with anarchistic terrorism in england in YE OLDE times.
In reality, Guy Fawkes had nothing to do with the powderkeg plot aside from the fact that the real terrorist behind it told him to sit his ass on some barrels while he ran away so it would all get blamed on Guy...
But he became an idol for the nationalistic anarchistic tendency and people like to dawn his mask whenever they feel dissatisfied or disillusioned with their government...
But /b/ said "fuck it" and slapped it onto a dopy stick figure and called it appropriately for the fail that it was and 4chan and all of teh intarbuttz did smile and thus EFG was born.

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