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darkknight commented at 2012-10-05 16:29:12 » #1175055

funny how pikachu is japanese and Walt disney is french :P
(prepares for millions of vote downs)

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-05 16:35:49 » #1175060


11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-05 18:04:08 » #1175108

Ah, right, I remember this incident. A year ago (in June, 2011, I believe), the Monument to the Soviet Army, located in Sofia, Bulgaria, was... recoloured. Well, if you follow the source link, it has an original photo.

Just thought it'd be useful. The writing says "In pace with time" in Bulgarian.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-05 21:31:53 » #1175223

Why is Captain America's shield the size of a small dinner plate? Why is Goodyear not one of the tags? Why is Santa totting a Tommy Gun? Why is Superman totting a pistol? How does that troll-like figure in the front represent The Joker from Batman? Who's the kid in the green spandex and green tunic with a banana in each hand (in the back)? Why does Wonder Woman have what looks like a Gucci purse? Since when did Wonder Woman have a cape? Why are the stars on the flag greyed out except for the ones that are bright white which seem to look like "dp"?

6 Points Flag
Zakuze commented at 2012-10-06 00:50:01 » #1175329

What anon #1175108 is referring to.


10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-06 01:50:57 » #1175377

Dat obviously photoshopped Pikachu

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-06 11:52:49 » #1175630

Don't forget that Santa's Polish, Darkknight, or Dutch if you prefer facts over puns.

To eat on.
Because it was actually a bad year people would prefer to forget. Because someone was being a bad boy and Santa's gonna fill his stocking full of lead and by fill his stocking full of lead I mean dump the entire clip into his stocking so he can beat the kid with it until his chest cavity caves in to send a message you don't send Santa poopy as a joke.
Because Supes is moonlighting the crypts with the bloods.
He took one too many hits to the face.
Kid Green wearer of spandex, enemy to all Strike Witches, he has banana boomerangs.
Because getting hit by Gucci hurts.
Because people kept looking at her ass.
It's a square with a line through it.

7 Points Flag
Ukato commented at 2012-10-18 10:07:08 » #1183840

So we got the U.S., Canada, Japan, Sweden, China, Themyscira, and the North Pole represented here based on a Soviet monument.

And LOL at Superman using a gun.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-10 16:33:19 » #1200621

The guy with the banana on the far right, next to Wonder Woman, doesn't appear to be Robin -- I think it's Kid Galahad, the Robin pastiche from Big Bang Comics.

Or someone was just shitty at drawing/coloring Robin, whatever.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-02 19:59:00 » #1237509

Ronald McDonald looks so fucking awesome

11 Points Flag