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Anonymous commented at 2015-06-12 22:32:04 » #1756463

I wouldn't have a problem with the female Ghostbusters reboot if it was like this. Instead we get a bunch of out-of-shape, old, fat women to chase ghosts? No thank you. The gals should be more normal and geeky in my opinion, like the original cast. A "politically correct" Ghostbusters movie that caters to overweight feminists doesn't exactly make me want to buy a movie ticket... Even for my all time favorite franchise.

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Anonymous commented at 2015-06-23 00:13:11 » #1763147

^ Agreed. They're going to butcher a popular comedy theme for the sake of jumping on a bandwagon. I immediately lost interest as soon as they mentioned an all-female cast. I would have preferred either a mix of guys and gals....or just the original cast (minus Egon...RIP Harold).

I predict many a Razzies when the new one comes out. And I pray Bill - f-ing - Murray rips it to shreds.

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Anonymous commented at 2015-06-23 00:54:41 » #1763175

So you have an issue with fat women...also only one of the cast members is large, so calling them all out of shape is a silly exaggeration

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