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Anonymous commented at 2012-11-30 02:48:14 » #1214031

Did they ever confirm that the fish-things in Skyward Sword were the ancestors of the Zora's?

I mean I know Wind Waker said the Rito descended from the Zora's so I get that this is supposed to be the "Zora" race as it appears through the timeline, but I wasn't sure if the ones in Skyward Sword were confirmed or not for that.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-18 16:47:22 » #1227035

Yea the timeline's a despicable mess with many black holes and stuff. I don't think they did confirm, but I would like to believe they are.

Really wish they would make another zelda that lets you transform into all these guys!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-24 00:14:56 » #1640625

Actually there are two types of Zoras, the ugly ones are "river Zoras" and the other ones, just regular Zoras, but since the latter ones usually live in lakes I think it's proper to call them "lake Zoras".

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