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Anonymous commented at 2012-12-11 09:35:58 » #1221954

Beautiful pic. Hopeful ending. And exactly the opposite of what Anno will allow. Damn you Anno...

Also isn't that eva mark.09? (Mind yu I know mark.09 and unit-00 are nearly identical but still...)

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-12 13:10:04 » #1222737

Yeah, who else would of enjoyed 3.0 more if this was the true ending?
I know I would of.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-15 10:11:24 » #1266182

I woulda been happy enough if Shinji had at least gotten "his" Rei back at the end of 3.0..... god, 4.0 is gonna be such a depressing bummer....

I don't want the lookalike Rei to fall for him(cuz that'd just be sad), I don't want Shinji to pussy out and settle for Asuka(cuz she'll just be a bitch), nor do I want him to be with Mari(cuz, idk, she's the least of 3 evils by far, but she doesn't even know Shinji)

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-20 04:34:54 » #1725813

Rei is now -more then ever- his family and not just some hot blue-haired chick. He got the whole "clone of your mom" thing hammered into his mind in a rather heavy-handed manner.

Asuka is 28 years old and is -if nothing else- severely conflicted about any feelings she might have had or still has for him. Plus her interest in him was started in the first place because he was a pilot like her. Guess what the Shinster isnt supposed to be doing ever again? Ya, piloting.

Mari is at the very least 28 years old and doesnt really feel like she is looking for any romance in her life because she seems to be at ease with it the way it is.

Shinji is a broken husk who doesnt actually KNOW any of these three because one is practically a newborn child and the other two have had over a decade to experience, think, feel, change from the people he used to know (and in Maris case didnt even know really).

FINAL won´t be about shipping Shinji with anyone because both sides of any prospective relationship are simply not suitable at this point in time.
He will have a family and friends, though. Just not for most of the movie.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-25 14:07:50 » #1921368

no no no I don't think so this is a great good nice ending fianl

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-22 08:20:49 » #2037707

eva unit mark 0 and 9 and rebuild fix up building homes and trees are green and blue oceans 2 and everything back normal and Tokyo 4 wille

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-24 13:19:21 » #2069996

little girl maybe call her girl's name shinji rei or diffenet name

0 Points Flag